Presentation of most new ferry, cruise and ro-ro prototypes delivered 1 July, 2023 - 30 June, 2024 Theme: VARSOVIA 44 YEARS 1980 - 2024 SHIPPAX DESIGNS24SHIPPAXDESIGNS24 · 1 PHOTO : SØREN LUND HVIID 2 · SHIPPAXDESIGNS24 PUBLISHED BY: Shippax PO Box 7067 SE-300 07 HALMSTAD Sweden Tel: +46-35 218370 Published annually since 1981. SHIPPAX also produces SHIPPAX GUIDE ( annually), SHIPPAX MARKET (annually), SHIPPAX INFO (monthly) and SHIPPAXDATABASE (online). PRICE: SEK 995 – EUR 102 – USD 111 Airmail postage will be added. Fixed price in SEK. Rates of exchange may vary. SUBSCRIPTION: If you have ordered this copy of SHIPPAXDESIGNS24 directly from the publisher, a copy of next edition of SHIPPAXDESIGNS will be automatically sent to you on the assumption that you will not want to miss out on the important industry information and our expert analyses. Should you decide not to continue with the sub- scription, please let us know in advance so that we may remove you from our list of subscribers. PUBLISHER: Elizabeth Mandersson EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Victor Mandersson ADVERTISING: PRINTED AND BOUND BY: Åtta45 Tryckeri AB, Stockholm FRONTCOVER PHOTO: Søren Lund Hviid • Contributing authors do not necessarily reflec the opinions of the editors. • Information believed to be correct but cannot be guaranteed. • No reprint or further distribution without written permission by Shippax. © Shippax AB, Halmstad, Sweden SHIPPAXDESIGNS is owned by Shippax AB, 556937-9414 ISSN: 1403-3437 SHIPPAX GUIDE The register. With theme articles. SHIPPAXMARKET Market reports & outlook. Traffic statistics. SHIPPAXDESIGNS New prototypes. With theme articles. SHIPPAX DESIGNS 2 · SHIPPAXDESIGNS24 www.shippax.comSHIPPAXDESIGNS24 · 3 Upfront PHOTO : SØREN LUND HVIID We are proud to present this latest issue of SHIPPAXDESIGNS, which features VARSOVIA as the theme ship. VARSOVIA is both the largest ferry built by Cantiere Navale Visentini and the largest ferry to date to join the Polferries’ fleet on the Świnoujście to Ystad route, offering a significant upgrade in comfort, capacity, and efficiency. As always in SHIPPAXDESIGNS, we present new and converted ferries, cruise ships, and ro-ro ships. In this issue, vessels delivered between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 are presented, and we have done our utmost to gather as much information as possible. On behalf of the entire Shippax team, all authors and photographers, and everyone who contributed to this edition, we would like to thank you all and wish all readers an enjoyable read. Victor Mandersson Editor-in-chiefPartner with us! Our hospital ships are powered by you. Mercy Ships is a world-leading medical charity that exists to deliver life-saving surgery and healthcare to people in urgent need. Bringing hope and healing In partnership with African nations, our two hospital ships rely on our vital crew of seafarers, deck officers, engineering officers, deck and engine ratings, and captains to operate. Since we first opened our doors in 1978, we’ve served in over 581 ports worldwide. We work closely with host nations to improve healthcare, so we can make a lasting impact – long after our ships depart.GRIMALDI GROUP The FIRST GREEN Ro-Ro OPERATOR in the MEDITERRANEAN Pursuing sustainable maritime transport 6 · SHIPPAXDESIGNS24 Upfront 3 Onboard VARSOVIA 10 Public spaces, interior and passenger concepts Onboard VARSOVIA 34 Operation, freight decks and propulsion General arrangement 49 30 Visentini ships in 30 years 52 A dive into the Southern Baltic Sea market 64 B490: Poland's dynamic ro-pax debut 78 SHIP PRESENTATIONS FERRIES 94 CRUISE 122 RO-RO 148 ADVERTISERS’ INDEX 168 10 52 CONTENTS 78SHIPPAXDESIGNS24 · 7 64 34 12294 148Next >